External Advisory Board

The Strategic Training Achievements for Research Success (STARS) Program has been developed for cancer researchers and project managers in Africa as a nine-month part-time course that aims to train a cadre of individuals who will obtain fundamental skills to lead and support high quality cancer research in sub-Saharan Africa. This initiative has been funded by a National Cancer Institute, National Institutes of Health (NIH) grant.

The External Advisory Board (EAB) consists of International Experts in the field of cancer. Each member is appointed for up to a three-year term.

The roles and responsibilities of the STARS EAB are as follows:

  • Review STARS applications. The review process will take place in February of each year. The STARS Steering Committee will undertake a ‘triage’ to limit those applications to only the most competitive applicants. After the most competitive applicant list is completed, the EAB will receive a subset of applications to review.
  • Provide guidance and strategic direction to the STARS program.
  • Engage trainees, mentors, and institutions to achieve maximal training and capacity development for cancer research in Africa.

Current External Advisory Board Members (Re-Appointed in 2024)

Shaheen Sayed: Nairobi, Kenya
Chioma Asuzu: Ibadan, Nigeria
Christian Ntizimira: Kigali, Rwanda
Michael Mwachiro: Bomet, Kenya
Isaac Adewole: Ibadan, Nigeria
Verna Vanderpuye: Accra, Ghana
Hannah Ayettey Anie: Accra, Ghana  

Click here to view the External Advisory Board group

Click here to view the PI Track Reviews

Click here to view the PM Track reviews