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African Cancer STARS Community Group

The PI Track Community is for doctoral level talented early-career SSA researchers committed to a career in cancer research to gain expertise in research oversight and governance, build research skills, a scientific project focus, and apply for independent grant funding.

The PI Track Community of Principal Investigators (PI) will serve as a platform where researchers will network and share ideas on developing themselves and collaborating to improve cancer research in Africa. 

The Platform will allow researchers ask questions, seek clarifications and build collaborations in cancer research.  

The PM Track is for talented project managers living and working in SSA to develop skills to better manage cancer research projects.

This community will serve as a platform where Project managers will build network and share ideas that will help them build capacity for the implementation of Cancer research in Africa. 

Project Managers in this community can ask questions and seek clarifications on how to solve problems relating to cancer research within their work environments.